
Edited volumes


w/ Elizabeth Mitchell, Open Arts Journal, special issue: ‘Between sensuous and making-sense-of’, no. 7, The Open University, 124pp, 60 col. illus.

Journal Articles


‘The sense of the line between drawing and writing’, Tracey: Drawing and Visualisation Research, vol. 15, no. 1, special issue: ‘Drawing matters’, Vanessa Corby & Lucy O’Donnell (eds), pp. 1–10.


‘Paperchase’, Open Arts Journal, no. 7, special issue: ‘Between sensuous and making-sense-of’, Tilo Reifenstein & Elizabeth Mitchell (eds), pp.107–124. (DOI)

‘Between sensuous and making-sense-of: an introduction’, Open Arts Journal, no. 7, special issue: ‘Between sensuous and making-sense-of’, Tilo Reifenstein & Elizabeth Mitchell (eds), pp.1–9. (DOI)


‘Drawing the letter’, Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice, vol. 3, no. 2, special issue: ‘Drawing and language’, pp.171–186. (DOI)

Book chapters


‘“To organize the rectangle”: Teju Cole, art history, autobiography, fiction’, Nello specchio della scrittura: autobiografia e storia dell’arte tra Otto e Novecento, Jennifer Cooke, Laurence Roussillon-Constanty & Franca Varallo (eds), Studi Storici Carocci, vol. 420, Rome, Carocci, pp. 247–263.


‘Von den Verflechtungen der künstlerischen Forschung mit dem Schreiben als Praxis’, How to Arts Education Research? Wissenspraxen zwischen Kunst und Bildung, Nadia Bader, Stefanie Johns & Lennart Krauß (eds), Munich, kopaed, pp. 147–156.

‘On Writing: propositions for art history as literary practice’, W.G. Sebald’s Artistic Legacies: Memory, Word, and Image, Leonida Kovač, Christa-Maria K.E. Lerm Hayes, Ilse van Rijn & Ihab Saloul (eds), Amsterdam UP, pp.195–226. (DOI)


‘Between the visible and the legible: Raymond Pettibon’s “I” caught in translation’, Moving between Modes, Mikołaj Deckert, Monika Kocot & Aleksandra Majdzińska-Koczorowicz (eds), Łódź University Press, pp.107–119. (DOI)


‘Ideal identities and impossible translations: drawing on writing and writing on drawing’, Imaging Identity: Text, Mediality and Contemporary Visual Culture, Martin Heusser & Johannes Riquet (eds), London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.105–122. (DOI)


‘The graphics of ekphrastic writing: Raymond Pettibon’s drawing-writing’, Ekphrastic Encounters: New Interdisciplinary Essays on Literature and the Visual Arts, David Kennedy & Richard Meek (eds), Manchester UP, pp.203–218. (DOI)

General audience and reviews


‘Art history, photography, writing: looking for blue, KWI-BLOG, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen, 14 Nov.


‘The perturbing work of Kelley, McCarthy and Pettibon’, Cassone: The International Online Magazine of Art and Art Books, Sue Ward (ed), December issue, book review of Carry Levine’s Pay For Your Pleasures: Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy, Raymond Pettibon.

‘A digital essay, or “ … a text with things dangling off it”’, TACIT: Online Journal for Practice-based Research, Hannah E. Allan & David Jackson (eds), May issue, review of Will Self’s Kafka’s Wound.